your are special to me
我对你的爱爱爱不完!(i and you are real love)
你完蛋了(You are dead)
we are not make to be perfect 100% of the time but we are made to to the best we can 100% of the time.
一支空云箭,漂亮萌妹来相见 You are gay
你算哪根葱 what scallion you are
拍桌子:what are you 弄啥咧(你在弄啥?)
Why are you so diao ? 你为何这么屌 吐血
不装逼我们还是表兄弟 We are cousins
你太弱了 You are too weak
你制杖权吗Are you SB?不,我贩剑 NO I just Zuo
你怎么能如此侮辱爸爸呢 you are a bad girl
看什么看 What are you looking
你一定是哲学家you are gay
拍桌子:we are 伐木累(我们是一家人)
你个狗日的 you are a dog fuck
你真逗You are sbb
一支穿云箭,千万基佬来相见 You are gay
你跟我不是一个等级的 You are a SB (你是傻逼)
雷总小米:are you OK
我这个装逼朋友,你 值得拥有 I this B friend,you are worth ha
you are under arrest你可以选择不装逼 但你装的每一次逼都会成为呈堂证供
You are the best!
because you are pool。
all are peppery chicken!
are you ready?yes
you are so beautiful
妈的又是你 again are you fuck
You are sha bi m
r You are under arrest你可以选择不装逼,但你装的每个逼,都将成为呈堂证供
what are you弄啥类
You are so beautiful
You are a good j8你好屌哇
You are a dog fuck你个狗日的
你还不够!(You are too short!)
Are you boy zuo ni ?
are you shabi?
Are you SB
我们是正规群!We are gay group
In English,you are stupid!
what are you弄啥嘞
Are you沙雕?
Are you ready
what's are you thing
我们是正规群,we are gay group
You are stupid,在寡人面前,尔等皆是渣渣
you are very 666
you are so good
what are you fucking doing, man?
这个B装到位了,YOU ARE 66666