don't bird you(不鸟你)
come on baby don't be shy(蘑菇头)
Bitch, don't try me, i am rihanana!
我母鸡啊 I don't know
我母鸡呀(i don't know)
别闹,快到爸爸这来!(don't be afraid)
说得好,请继续! CNM,Don't bb!
我母鸡阿(i don't know)
不要带我出气(don't make me moves)
我觉得也是(i don't think so)
不要逼我出气(don't make me moves)
别以为我不敢正面上你(don't think i can't fuck you from the front)
我装作听不懂的样子(sorry, i don't understand)
不要在意这些细节(don't mind)
我装作听不懂的样子(sorry,I don't undersstand)
i don't care(我才不关心)
不要膜拜我这个盖世无双的吊丝 don't suck my little dick
好可怕,你别这样(awful, you don't)
Don't Download AV 模糊吧!叫你别撸太多!
你能行的(you can do it),相信自己(believe yourself),努力加油,奋斗到底(work hard, keep fighting!),不要放弃自己的梦想(don't give up your dreams),笑吧(Smile!)
不要摆布我(Don't push me around)
Touch head and don't cry
I Don't Care
don't u have some b numbers inside your heart ?
baby don't downtown(宝贝儿,别闹)
come mo baby don't be shy
don't you have a little b number in your heart
sorry don't have a b
i don't now 我母鸡啊
Don't merry christmas, marry me.
i don't feel so good(我感觉不好)
i don't wanna see you anymore
I don't wanna see you anymore
Don't you have a little b number in your heart
We don't talk any more